Our Vision: Cultivating Generative Futures 

We aspire to establish a network of interconnected, place-based learning centers, rooted in local bioregions. These hubs will form a living, breathing ecosystem of knowledge and practice, much like a mycelial network in nature. Our mission is to showcase, teach, and nurture responsible and regenerative lifestyles that are deeply connected to their specific environments, fostering a harmonious relationship between people and the land they inhabit.We are on a quest for human potential by building the capacity to do the work.

Core Operating Partners 

A Possible Scenario for your community:

InfiniteTrees sends out system thinking ambassadors into your community to receive a download of data about your community and possible ways for co-creating sustaining expansion. With permission Infinite Trees shares the information to core operating partners featured below and creates an outline of smart goals to be executed within a year or season.  

We carefully select a variety of different Intentional Communities for Grateful 4 Grace to stop at. These communities can range from; fully functioning communities, whom will teach us a mixture of regenerative building methods, to communities with raw land who need help building basic things such as; solar compost toilets; and lay foundations to seed community spaces such a 1000 Mandala center space.

Parma Jam follows the G4G tour co-creating a festival with your community that will result in the building of key systems infrastructure, with a major focus in Permaculture and the Arts.  PermaJam partners with and promotes pioneers in ecology, human rights, freedom, agriculture, education, the arts and spirituality.

One of the gifts we can honorably place on the land is one of 1000 Mandalas of Peace, an interactive art installation stage for the arts & important community events. These mandalas are art installations that can hold the meaningful symbols, cultural imagery, and history it stewards.  We believe this can be a creative economic generator that funds the conservation of land, and core community components needed to connect and steward land in a self-determining and sustaining way.  This can lead to a strong foundation for communal events, sharing resources, networking and stimulates sacred economies. This gives our partners a new stage to participate the following years to come, creating a synergistic network of allied communities.

This can all be facilitated through the InfiniteTrees Charter Yearly Membership program that supports our partners community service.

*Click on photo for more info* 

*Click on photo for more info* 

Grateful For Grace

Prepare yourself for an action packed, three month journey, that you, and our communities will never forget!

From volunteering in major cities with our Project For the people, creating commUNITY and outreach, to helping eco-villages, and farms build regenerative systems.  With breaks at Niagara Falls to explore the world of Nicola Tesla & hydropower and gatherings to restore balance within. We spare no minute! You will find yourselves at special stops such as Patch Adam's holistic hospital where we will lend a hand to innovative and sustainable medicine projects..

*Click on photo for more info* 

*Click on photo for more info* 

Perma Jam

PermaJam is a collective of musicians, artists and activists who welcome new members!

Through our fusion of music and art, PemaJam promoted earth stewardship, sustainability, and permaculture. 

The PermaJam tour criss-crossed the southeastern United States for five weeks, laying the physical and vibrational groundwork for the future we all drea, of..
a world based on responsibility, resourcefulness, community, cooperation, and love in alignment with Mother Earth. We set out to accomplish this dream through our living prayer of intention, action, and the unifying power of some seriously soulful music.  We all come from the same Mother Earth. It is this simple fact which unites us.

*Click on photo for more info* 

*Click on photo for more info* 

Touch Mother Earth

Touch Mother Earth's Mission is Evolving

Touch Mother Earth Events provides year-round programs for enhancing our lifestyle, self-image, and value for the community. When we respect ourselves, the whole world is elevated! We support healthy living.

Now is your time to gravitate toward a more positive direction...